
Manufacturing, Service, and Distribution Solutions for Business Applications.

MSInc provides services and consulting in all areas of small and medium size business computing.

Network and centralized database operations are exploited to handle accounting and operations resource planning and execution for manufacturers, distributors, and service companies.

Manufacturing, Service, and Distribution Solutions for Business Applications. Data recovery, exploit protection, on-line backup services, portals, secure login internet collaboration tools. Linux PHP, PERL, APACHE, bash, crontab, sendmail. Ninja class database normalization.

Our modern focus on cloud computing and software as a service has led us to be a leader in browser based database systems. Sometimes called web applications, we use a lean approach compatible with firefox, opera, safari, ie and chrome. Our approach yields 20-40 percent savings in IT over conventional windows applications. In a broad sense, Facebook is a comparable to our approach, and AOL is the old Windows IT approach.

While we won’t replace all internal applications, our implementation speed is unmatched in operational areas of service and manufacturing enterprises.
Examples of cloud applications include dispatching, vehicle and crew recording, booking, document management, build to order, capacity planning, eBusiness, eCommerce.

Examples of features available in cloud applications include user tracking and usage logging, user privileges and application access security, entry forms in modern html format, surveys, search, email interfaces and automation, PDF generation.

Benefits of database and business logic implementation of the cloud include inherent multi-site access, lean IT, email triggers, central upgrade, mobile access, real time data and updates, daily email reports, server-less offices, excel compatible reporting, open source platforms. We can implement and maintain all client to client or client server environments for customers in the Atlanta Metropolitan area, including but not limited to Rockdale County, Dekalb County, Newton County, Conyers, Lithonia, Covington, Oxford and surrounding areas. BBX Thoroughbred Providex Business Basic IDOL-IV Database Customization, installation, configuration, maintenance, sales. MRP, ERP, CRM, Demand Flow, Financial, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Purchasing, Inventory Control, Production Control Sales Order.

Open Source ERP and CRM

The entire Linux operating system including source code can be downloaded from the internet.

In the open source world the most famous piece of software is Linux.  The entire Linux operating system including source code can be downloaded from the internet.  The Apache web server that is responsible for serving up a substantial amount of internet web pages is normally layered on top of the Linux operating system.

Apache may be available for Windows, kind of like Eva Gabor riding in the back of a 1948 Dodge pickup truck, and that may be where the average user most often interacts with the open source side of software.  A further note to understand in the open source software world is the notion in free as in open vs free as in beer.  If you get a free beer you do not have to pay for it, but open source software usually requires a costly agreement with the consultants and engineers that have the knowledge to work with the complex code in an open source application.

Open Source ERP is not a free software concept.  These complex business databases could in theory be used without the computer scientists and engineers that know their inner workings, but the costs of acquiring and maintaining the highly educated workers reqiuired to do this is greater than the cost of a service agreement.

In the Linux market, two examples of open source knowledge suppliers are Redhat and Novell.  Some may argue that other examples inclide Sun and IBM.

Enterprise Resource Planning

Open Source is a software movement where developers regain the costs of creating a software product through alternate revenue streams to the traditional proprietary software approach. The added costs of creating a proprietary niche include the use of dongles and complex activation code schemas that are abandoned by using the open source model. Revenues are typically found in annual support agreements and consulting fees instead of attempting to control the installation with added levels of complexity that are needed to achieve the standard proprietary approach.

Linux is a fundamental building block of much of the open source movement. Started by Linus Torvalds, popular Linux variants include Ubuntu, Debian and Gentoo, however commercial Linux and Unix probably are more likely to be based on Solaris, Redhat or SUSE from Novell. Consulting and support agreements with Novell, Redhat and Oracle involve investments that rival but fall short of the costs of commercial server solutions like Microsoft’s Windows Server but their stability and usability for the professionals well indoctrinated in the use of Bash, Cron and ssh are paramount.

Use of a solid Linux foundation is also available as a service by such large players in the rental server market like and Rackspace. Database layers like MySQL and PostgresSQL are widely supported and offer an alternative to the expensive Oracle and SQL server layers, and are more than adequate for databases of less than 10 gigabytes which is sufficient for most SMB applications.

Ascii Art – Segment display


Char = "4"

def segs(Char):
    if Char == "4":
        return ((0),(1,1),(1),(0,1),(0))

print segs(Char)
x = segs(Char)
for y in x:
    if y==0: y=y
    elif y==1: print "*",
        for z in y:
            if z==1: print "*",
            elif z==0: print " ",
    print ""

Ascii Art

Create a figlet program to display 7 line Ascii Art text, using the same symbol for all output.

Create figlet program to display n line Ascii Art text, where n=5 or greater.

Create a program based on the PIL library to convert well formatted Ascii art to a jpeg, png or gif.

Create a program based on the PIL library to read an image, find it’s outlines and produce an Ascii art equivalent.

Ascii Art Squirrel

                          .-'` `}
                  _./)   /       }
                .'o   \ |       }
                '.___.'`.\    {`
                /`\_/  , `.    }
                \=' .-'   _`\  {
                 `'`;/      `,  }
                    _\       ;  }
           jgs     /__`;-...'--'


A large library

      /\  /\
  ___/  \|\ /|__
 |       |_O_|  /
 |             /_
 /      \_| \_| /
/      \/  \/  \/
\   _  (o   )o  )
 \ /c   \__/ --.
 | \_       __-')
 |_ |      /(_ \
   ||     (  _) )
    |       |
    /       \                     Maggie Simpson

Shortest gmail poplib python 2.7

Gmail works best in SSL mode. Find out the number of emails in your gmail inbox.

  1. Credentials are input from the keyboard, even with an extra example of hiding the password as opposed to placing the credentials in the program (which would be good for crontab scripts)
import poplib,getpass

poPserver = poplib.POP3_SSL("", 995)
poPuser = raw_input('Username:')
print poPserver.user(poPuser)
print poPserver.pass_(getpass.getpass())
messageCount = len(poPserver.list()[1])
print messageCount, "messages"

shortest poplib example

shortest poplib example python 2.7

short python 2.7 poplib tutorial, python27 poplib library usage lesson, poplib example

Get it at GitHub:


from poplib import *

poPserver = POP3('aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd') # ip works better than url
print poPserver.getwelcome() # todo: convert print to debug
print poPserver.user('') # todo: chng print to dbg
print poPserver.pass_('EmailPassword') # todo: s/print/debug.validate(
messagesInfo = poPserver.list()[1]
numMessages = len(messagesInfo)

for i in range(numMessages):
  messageIs = poPserver.retr(i+1)[1]
  print "==========================",
  print " message number",i,
  print "=========================="
  for j in messageIs:
    print j

A longer example puts the login credentials up front and easier to get to here;


from poplib import *


popSrvr = POP3(popIp) # ip works better than url
print popSrvr.getwelcome() # todo: convert print to debug
print popSrvr.user(popAddr) # todo: chng print to dbg
print popSrvr.pass_(popPass) # todo: s/print/debug.validate(
messagesInfo = popSrvr.list()[1]
numMessages = len(messagesInfo)

for i in range(numMessages):
  messageIs = popSrvr.retr(i+1)[1]
  print "==========================",
  print " message number",i,
  print "=========================="
  for j in messageIs:
    print j

and now in this example we split it into a class;


from poplib import *


class poppins:

  def __init__(self):
    self.popSrvr = POP3(popIp) # ip works better than url
    print self.popSrvr.getwelcome() # todo: convert print to debug
    print self.popSrvr.user(popAddr) # todo: chng print to dbg
    print self.popSrvr.pass_(popPass) # todo: s/print/debug.validate(
    messagesInfo = self.popSrvr.list()[1]
    self.numMessages = len(messagesInfo)

for i in range(popJones.numMessages):
  messageIs = popJones.popSrvr.retr(i+1)[1]
  print "==========================",
  print " message number",i,
  print "=========================="
  for j in messageIs:
    print j

finally, we move the credentials and the boiler-plate into a library

# class in the poppins thingamajig
from poplib import *

class poppinsMary:
    def __init__(self):

class poppins:

  def __init__(self):
    self.popSrvr = POP3(x.popIp) # ip works better than url
    print self.popSrvr.getwelcome() # todo: convert print to debug
    print self.popSrvr.user(x.popAddr) # todo: chng print to dbg
    print self.popSrvr.pass_(x.popPass) # todo: s/print/debug.validate(
    messagesInfo = self.popSrvr.list()[1]
    self.numMessages = len(messagesInfo)

Which allows us a really short email reading python program here


import popCredentials

for i in range(popJones.numMessages):
  messageIs = popJones.popSrvr.retr(i+1)[1]
  print "==========================",
  print " message number",i,
  print "=========================="
  for j in messageIs:
    print j

Windows Networks Identity Management

Active Directory Domain Controller – Server 2008 r2, Server 2012 r2, Server 2016

Windows -> Start -> Administrative Tools -> Active Directory Users and Computers

All computers on the local network that have been joined to the local domain use the Active Directory User library. Instead of setting up user accounts on each computer, a central database is used to store logon names and passwords. (Generally) Kerberos is used to encrypt and exchange with handshake user logon name and password information. (Windows Professional required for workstations)


Install the jumpcloud client on all computers managed by the Jumpcloud database. (Generally) TLS1.1 is used for logon name and password information. First 10 users are free, then $7.50 per user per month.

15 users – 57.512*.75 = $ 1.875 per user per month paid annual

25 users – 157.512*.75 = $ 3.375 per user per month paid annual

50 users – $4.50 per user per month paid annual ($ 2,700 annual)

Shortest Python Pyramid Virtual Environment


sudo apt-get install virtualenv python-pip python-dev
pip install –upgrade pip setuptools
pip install pyramid gunicorn waitress

check pip settings in ~/.local/bin/pip

Python 3.6

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3.6
virtualenv –python=python3.6 name_of_ve_dir

Create Virtual Environment from Pyramid

virtualenv –python=python3.6 ve4e9
source ve4e9/bin/activate
cd MyProject
python install
pserve development.ini

Activate Virtual Environment

source ve4e9/bin/activate

Pyramid Bakery

pip install cookiecutter

Create simple

cookiecutter gh:Pylons/pyramid-cookiecutter-starter
pip install -e “.[testing]”
pserve development.ini

Create Alchemy

cookiecutter gh:Pylons/pyramid-cookiecutter-alchemy
pip install -e “.[testing]”
initialize_MyProject_db development.ini
pserve development.ini


git clone ssh://


cd MyProject
pserve development.ini

Site Explorer

With the rumor being that the Yahoo site explorer is going away, a company has come along to offer the same thing with some new features specifically aimed toward organic SEO gurus called The cost will be a hundred bucks a month and the extra services to start with will be Facebook likes, tweets, and google pluses. Other premium services will no doubt be added.
