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SEO: Technical vs. Marketing

Search Engine Optimization, specifically technical SEO is putting it straight, fixing your website to reach html standards and the needs of search engines. SEO professionals often call this effort ‘on page optimization.’ There are no commercials, no full page ads, no Twitter, Tik-Tok or Facebook. Therefore, technical SEO is a function of changing your website, while marketing SEO is a function of promoting your SEO.

Why it Matters

As a consumer, when you are searching for technical SEO, your best bet is to find a technically adroit SEO firm, capable of development. But when shopping for marketing you will be talking to firms that are more like politicians and car salesmen. And when you are launching a social media effort you probably need to talk to someone who is still in High School.

What Else?

And let’s not forget the area of content creation, vital to a successful website. Here you need someone with impeccable grammar, a healthy imagination and mad narrative composition skills.


Advertising, marketing and social media promotion all occur without touching a single line of computer programming on your website. Technical SEO is the opposite, addressing purely the computer code that is part of your website.

What does good SEO cost?

Website traffic is meaningless if the visitors are not qualified and meaningful.

The last decade has seen a total change in the way Atlanta businesses should make themselves available to consumers. Where as ten years ago an advertisement in the Yellow Pages was the basis of getting your phone number in front of prospects, now our presence on the internet is the means by which consumers find our phone number, more than the yellow, white pages and information (411) combined. Other means of brand name development simply must be complemented with an easy way for consumers to find your phone number with Google, Yahoo and the Bing search engines.

For Atlanta businesses to successfully compete online in a cost-effective way, internet marketing methods must be utilized and to their fullest advantage. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in Atlanta as well as the development of successful directory listings at Google and Bing is the most reliable means of achieving online visibility and are a component of higher search engine rankings

Website traffic is meaningless if the visitors are not qualified and meaningful. Simply put, correct SEO is online marketing of relevant keywords in your website content to improve your websites position in organic search engine results. PPC or Pay Per Click is the management of advertising primarily on search engine results. High search engine rankings for relevant keywords means that qualified prospects in your market see your website first, ahead of your competitors.

Search engine optimization in Atlanta works and Atlanta Georgia businesses use SEO specialists at Web Atlanta for a full service web marketing group, our firm designs, optimizes, promotes and manages advertising on the internet. The SEO experts at Web Group Atlanta have experience in keyword relevancy and the creation of rich, informative content, as well as specialized knowledge of the complex algorithms search engines like Google utilize to determine the effectiveness and relevancy of a websites content. The latest web marketing studies show that most Atlanta businesses that try search engine optimization the consultation skill of a professional web marketing firm frequently see little or no enhancement, and usually discard their SEO campaign. With extensive knowledge of advanced SEO techniques Web Group Atlanta knows that SEO isnt just about keyword rich content it also involves metadata, page titles, image alt labels, inbound link building, and other strategies effective SEO marketing plan.